You Should Know Taekwondo Belts And Ranks

The idea of Taekwondo belts and rank is likely one that a great many people connect with Taekwondo and combative technique when all is said in done, regardless of the possibility that they just have a passing enthusiasm for the subject.

In Songahm Taekwondo, our belts mirror a part's demonstrated level of capability and (similarly as vitally) the movement of hues mirrors an inward adventure that never genuinely closes. Each belt accomplished is really an achievement deserving of regard.

It is additionally significant that accomplishing a belt isn't simply an issue of "investing enough energy" in a past belt. With a specific end goal to accomplish their next rank, an understudy must show their capability in their present belt's systems, to incorporate Basic Moves, Sparring, and Forms.
taekwondo belts


A test is not required for the white belt, but rather to proceed onward to the following rank, one first needs to accomplish the white belt with yellow stripes. The test requires the person to complete a foreordained example, and also experience the three-stage and one-stage fighting procedure with another taekwondo specialist. He likewise must have the capacity to safeguard himself against holds and have the capacity to effectively break free utilizing either kicks or blows. It regularly takes around a few months for a person to continue to the white with yellow stripe belt.


The test for advancement to a yellow belt is like the test said above, yet with an alternate example, and the breaking of sheets with both hands and feet. It takes around a few months of preparing before one can take the test.

From yellow, you can continue to the yellow with green stripe belt. While all the advancement tests are to a great extent the same, the test from yellow to yellow with green obliges one to experience an alternate example from the past tests, and in addition breaking a two-inch board with the hand and one-inch board with the feet. Moreover, one-stage competing is required.


From yellow with green stripes to a strong green belt, the player needs to do a test with another example, alongside a one-stage fight and a free-form fight. Moreover, he likewise needs to get through two-inch sheets with both his hands and feet, and in addition show a capacity to protect himself.

To gain the green with blue stripes belt, you should rehearse another example, and protect yourself against both holds and clubs. What's more, the player needs to break a two-inch board with his hands and a one-inch board utilizing a hop kick. Likewise with alternate tests, he needs to attempt the one-stage fighting and free competing. The move from green to green with stripes requires around four months of preparing before a test can be taken.


The test to accomplish the blue belt is like that of the green with blue stripes, aside from the enlistment of an alternate example and an expansion of two-stage fighting. Other than that, one must exhibit the breaking of a two-inch board with a punch and a one-inch board with a turning kick. The greater part of this normally takes four months to accomplish.

To accomplish the blue with red stripes belt requires artfulness, as the individual needs to safeguard against holds, clubs and blades and in addition various unarmed adversaries. He additionally needs to break two-inch sheets with a punch and a turning kick. It takes five months from the blue belt to accomplish this.


Alongside an alternate example, the test for the red belt replaces the two-stage fighting with numerous free competing. He additionally needs to break a three-inch board with any kick, while different components of the test continues as before.

From red, there is the red and dark stripe belt. The test is indistinguishable to the red belt, aside from with an alternate example and the need to break two three-inch sheets. It takes five months to prepare for this.


The most elevated rank achievable, the dark belt test requires a ton of work: one example, one-stage fighting, two-stage competing, free fighting and numerous free fighting. You should likewise have the capacity to safeguard against holds, clubs, cuts and unarmed adversaries, and additionally break two three-inch sheets with any kick or blow. To get to this stage, it requires no less than nine months of preparing after one has finished the red and dark stripe belt test.

taekwondo belts

To what extent To Taekwondo Black Belt? 

At the point when individuals begin preparing they frequently need to know to what extent and how quick...

How quick will I function through the taekwondo belts? At the point when do I get my red belt? What's more, to what extent is it to dark belt?

These are truly hard inquiries to reply.

Since no two individuals are the same and no two clubs are the same.

A few people are actually athletic and adaptable, they prepare and rehearse ordinarily every week and they review quicker.

Others don't discover it so natural and can prepare for a couple of hours every week. So they review slower.

A few clubs focus on littler areas of the syllabus. What's more, others educate an extensive variety of abilities. Clearly if the syllabus is wider?...

Your dark belt takes longer.

Here's a speculation. In the event that you prepare hard and you have some characteristic ability and wellness, you can get your body into dark belt shape in 2-3 years.

Be that as it may, to fabricate the psyche of a dark belt may take a great deal longer than this...

It's essential to understand this is your excursion of self change. An adventure you take at your own pace.

Continue strolling the way...

What's more, you'll arrive when the time is ideal for you.

Taekwondo Belts.


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